Torune Tusuk Bento Picks Garpu Buah 7 Pcs Bear Rabbit

(4 customer reviews)
orang sudah membeli 36

 Self Pickup : Ciledug, Tangerang 🟢 WhatsApp

4 in stock

SKU: 21562773544
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Janken (rock-paper-scissors) picks with a lucky number.
*Fun and playful picks for lunch boxes, parties, and children’s lunches.
*Perfect for lunch boxes, parties, and children’s lunches!
Not only for daily lunch box goods, but also for lunch boxes for sports events and excursions!

Dalam kemasan terdapat 7 pcs picks.

Ukuran picks :
Bear pick: 46 x 18 x 5.5mm
Rabbit pick: 48.4 x 15.7 x 5.7mm
Goo pick: 47.2 x 14.3 x 5.2mm
Choki pick: 50.6 x 12.6 x 5.5mm
Par pick: 50.6 x 14.7 x 5.2mm

Material : ABS resin

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg



4 reviews for Torune Tusuk Bento Picks Garpu Buah 7 Pcs Bear Rabbit

  1. id4156_29702

    emang brang ikea ga perna bohong si ya wkkwkw bagus banget.

  2. lalanirmala1

    Barang sesuai foto.
    Bahannya pas tidak terlalu tipis
    Packing dan oengiriman cepat

  3. ikhsannurdin742

    Tidak usah diragukan lagi produk ikea
    Bahannya bagus banget
    Suka banget 🖤🖤🖤

  4. annisadwia

    Pengiriman cepat,barang sangat bagus,modelnya juga cantik

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